Connections between two different Whonix-Workstations

How-to: Connect from Whonix-Workstation (client) to another Whonix-Workstation (server). (Esoteric Documentation)
1. Multiple workstation setup.
Follow the usual documentation on how to set up Multiple Whonix-Workstation.
2. Server installation.
Install the server software in the Whonix-Workstation (server) which is supposed to be reachable from another Whonix-Workstation.
3. Firewall settings.
The Whonix-Workstation which is supposed to provide a server service (open port) needs to be configured to open an incoming port in Whonix-Workstation firewall.
The Whonix-Workstation (client) which connect to the other Whonix-Workstation (server) does not need any special configuration.
4. VPN notice.
VPNs are known to break connections to other machines in the (virtual) LAN. Therefore if the user is using a VPN, that might be the reason why Whonix-Workstation cannot connect to another Whonix-Workstation. The user might need to disable the VPN or reconfigure it to allow connections inside the (virtual) LAN.
5. Reading Stream_Isolation/Easy might help.
6. If you need to connect to localhost for testing purposes, refer also to Local Connections.
7. If using curl (or other applications that are configured for Stream Isolation by default in Whonix) for local connections or connections to other Whonix-Workstations, the stream isolation wrapper uwt needs to be disabled or circumvented. Curl stream isolation circumvention example:
Do not use:
Instead use:
8. Tor Browser notice.
Also Tor Browser might be difficult to use for this purpose. This is due to the design of Tor Browser for its specialized use case by its original developers. This is unspecific to Whonix.
9. Done.
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See Also[edit]

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